Number 12 used to have a very useful facility – direct access to the Borough Tavern that was at number 39 Borough Street. The back of the pub was just on the other side of the wall, and there was a doorway between the two properties.
The passage from the pub emerges in Temple Street, giving thirsty punters a very handy short cut.
Ian Burridge, who now owns number 12, told me he had come across a blocked off doorway when he was renovating a room at the back of his property, in the position that can be seen on the Ordnance Survey below.
Temple Street on an Ordnance Survey map of the 1890s |
The passageway to the pub (marked P.H.) through Number 11 Temple Street |
The glass ball advertising 'Wines, To Order, Spirits' above the passageway to the pub in Borough Street |